Purchasing by diversity code certification report
You run this report to view levels of purchasing for a diversity code, helping you to track compliance with affirmative action initiatives.
The total order amount is summarized near the end of the report, and is shown by diversity code.
To report on purchasing by diversity code certification
Use the following guidelines for entering field values.
- Company
Type the company you want to report on.
- PO Date Range
Type the purchase order date range to be reported on.
- Exclude PO Codes
Indicate whether to exclude purchase order codes from the report.
Separate multiple values by using the pipe (|) character.
- Include Detail
Indicate whether to include details about invoices.
Elect to include invoice detail or summarize by diversity code
- Print Graph
Indicate whether to print the graph on the report.
- Print Parameters
Indicate whether to include the report parameters on the report itself.