Commodity spend by diversity code report

You run this report to list the amounts spent (by diversity code) for a commodity code. It is helpful in evaluating purchases made within a commodity code.

To report on commodity spend by diversity code

Access My Reports > Commodity Spend by Diversity Code.

Use the following guidelines to enter field values.


Type the company on which you want to report.

Commodity Code

Type the commodity code on which you want to report.


Type an asterisk to include all commodity codes.

Item Type

Type the types of items that you want to report on.


Type an asterisk to include all item types.


Type an item to report on.


Type an asterisk to include all items.

Item Description

Indicate whether to include all or part of the item description.

Invoice Date Range

Type the from and to invoice dates that you want to report on.

Print Parameters

Indicate whether to print the parameters on the report itself.