Event listing report

You run this report to list Strategic Sourcing events, with the option of including event line detail.

The Event Listing report is useful when you are listing events of a specific status by buyer, event type, or date range. Event lines and line detail can be included optionally.

To report on event listing

Access My Reports > Event Listing.

Use the following guidelines to enter field values.


Type the company you want to report on.

Sourcing Event

Type the event you want to report on.


Type an asterisk to include all events.

Event Type

Enter the type of event to include in the report.


Use an asterisk (*) as a wild card.


Type the buyer whose events you want to report on.


Indicate the event status you want to report on:

  • Open

  • Closed

  • Cancelled

  • Include All

  • Draft

  • Pending Award Approval

  • Pending Event Approval

  • Amendment Pending

Event Create Date Range

Type the date range for events when they were created.

Include Event Lines

Indicate whether to include details about event lines, including the number of supplier responses, requested date, and award approval status.

Include Item Detail

Indicate whether to include details about items.

Print Parameters

Indicate whether to include report parameters on the report itself.