About creating an event

You can create an event:

  • from standard entry or the Quick Entry form

  • from an event template

  • by copying an existing event

  • from a requisition

  • from a contract

From standard entry

When you create an event from standard entry, you can define an event using each available tab. If you choose to use the Quick Entry form, you only need to enter minimal information to define the event.


Quick Entry events appear on both the standard entry event list and on the Quick Entry Events list.

From a template

Many organizations create events that are similar and have a need to reuse event information. Instead of creating an event from standard entry each time, you can create a template that includes the most commonly used information.

From an existing event

If an event that you are creating is similar to an existing event, you can copy the existing event and change the appropriate information.

From a requisition

Use a requisition from the Lawson Requisition application to create an event. Requisition (RQ10.1) or Requisition Center to create an event from multiple different requisitions or combine like items into a single event line.

From a contract

If you have Lawson Contract Management, you can create an event from a contract or from a contract line. For more information, see the Contract Management User Guide.