Item history by vendor report
The Item History by Vendor report shows you how much a vendor has spent and the relative volume of business done with each vendor. The vendor's purchases are shown in bar chart format.
You run the report to help in evaluating a vendor's purchases or similar purchases across vendors.
To report on item history by vendor
Use the following guidelines to enter field values.
- Company
Type the company you want to report on.
- Vendor
Type the vendor whose purchases you want to report on.
Note:Type an asterisk to include all vendors.
- Item Type
Type the type of item to be reported on.
Note:Type an asterisk to include all item types.
- Item Includes
Type a partial item to include those that start with these characters.
Note:Type an asterisk to include all items.
- Item Description Includes
Indicate how much of the item description is to be printed.
Note:Type an asterisk to include all of the item description.
- Invoice Date Range
Type the beginning and ending invoice dates to report on.
- Print Graph
Indicate whether to print the graph on the report.
- Print Parameters
Indicate whether the parameters are to print on the report itself.