About inactivating and reactivating suppliers and supplier contacts
A supplier or supplier contact can be inactivated. If the supplier or contact is inactive, they will not be able to log in to the Supplier Portal.
On the Supplier page, you can use the Inactivate Supplier action to inactivate a supplier or Inactivate Supplier Contact to inactivate a supplier contact. When you mark a supplier or supplier contact inactive, you must use a reason code.
You can set up a message on the Registration Text tab of Supplier Group that will display when an inactive supplier or supplier contact attempts to log in to Supplier Portal.
The Supplier Portal administrator on the supplier side can also mark contacts as inactive from within the portal on Account Information > Contacts. Note that the Supplier Portal administrator cannot activate a contact that has been inactivated by a buyer.
Reactivate a supplier or supplier contact using the Activate Supplier action or the Activate Supplier Contact action.