Suppliers by commodity code registration report
You run this report to list all of the suppliers for a commodity code, which is useful when you are evaluating suppliers.
In addition, the Suppliers by Commodity Code Registration report lists:
Item group
Commodity code
Supplier group and supplier name
Contact person (their name, phone number, and e-mail address)
Any associated diversity code and whether the supplier is certified
To report on suppliers by commodity code registration
Use the following guidelines to enter field values.
- Item Group
Type the group of items to be reported on.
- Commodity Description Includes
Indicate whether the description of the commodity code prints in full or only partially.
- Commodity Level
Enter the commodity code level for the suppliers you want to report on.
- Supplier Status
Indicate whether to report on active or inactive suppliers.
- Include Contact Detail
Indicate whether to include details about the contact person for the supplier.
- Print Parameters
Indicate whether to print the parameters on the report itself.