About Process Events
Process Events is used to manage all your sourcing events and event-related work. When you access Sourcing Buyer, Process Events displays and contains multiple tabs. These different tabs are described below:
Create Events from Requisitions
The Create Events from Requisition tab lets you view requisitions that have come from the Lawson Requisitions application and create an event with them. The Create Event Worksheet lets you combine various requisitions into one event.
The Open Requisitions section displays each requisition that has come from Requisition (RQ10.1).
Use the Draft tab to view each draft event, including events that are awaiting approval (if approval is required). You can change event information until the draft is released. After the draft is released, it displays on the Open Pending or Open tab, depending on the associated Preview and Open dates.
Pending Open
The Pending Open tab displays events that are released but that have not reached the Preview or Open dates. The Version column displays the number of times the event has been amended.
Use the Open tab to view each open event, including events that are approved (if necessary) and accepting responses. The Version column displays the number of times the event has been amended.
Pending Award
The Pending Award tab displays events that have a Close date that has passed and at least one line that has not been awarded or cancelled.
The Pending Award tab also displays informal events where at least one line has been preliminarily awarded. An informal event has a No Dates Required on Event requirement and no assigned Close date.
When an event moves from the Open tab to the Pending Award tab, it can no longer be viewed by suppliers who browse the Open For Bid list on the supplier portal. If processing an informal event, you may choose to refrain from awarding any line until you are satisfied that a suitable response has been received for each line.
Recently Finalized
The Recently Finalized tab displays events for each line that has either had output generated or has been cancelled within a defined period on the sourcing company. The Finalized Date column displays the date that the event or last remaining line had output generated or was cancelled. The Version column displays the number of time the event has been amended.
Status Analysis
The Status Analysis tab displays a graphical representation for the current event. When you select a sourcing company, a chart displays all the events assigned to the company and the number of events in a specified status. To view the events that are in a specific status, select the appropriate Status Count.
The Search tab allows users to search on Events.
The Alerts tab displays the following alerts:
Open events with no submitted responses
This includes events with and without dates.
Event awards overdue
This alert shows events that are either past the close date or have an award quantity on at least one event line, but are not fully awarded. It links to the Response Analysis form.
Unanswered Q and A
If a supplier or buyer has created a question with no answer, it displays here. There is a button to answer the question.