Creating supplier and vendor compare records

Use this procedure to create supplier and vendor compare records.


Monitor set action programs using My Actions. Select your action in the list and the Action Instances region shows the progress or status of the action. Once your action finished, it will disappear from the form.

To create supplier and vendor compare records

  1. Access Utilities > Supplier And Vendor Compare Results.
  2. Select the Compare Supplier and Vendor button or select Compare Supplier and Vendor from the Actions menu.
  3. On the Compare Supplier and Vendor Data form, select a supplier group.
  4. Select at least one of the compare field sets. All four are selected by default.
    Suppliers and Vendors

    Each supplier that has a vendor number associated with it is compared. Note that multiple suppliers can be associated with one vendor.

    Contacts And Vendor Locations

    Each supplier contact that has a vendor location values associated with it is compared.


    Multiple supplier contacts can be associated to the same vendor location. If the primary contact for a supplier is also associated to a vendor location, the contact information on the supplier side is also compared to the vendor contact.

  5. Conditional. Use the Custom Supplier Selection field to choose a Custom Group to compare a subset of suppliers.

    You must have Custom Groups defined. Custom groups is a feature where you can take a business class and attach conditions to it. Custom Groups can be defined by an applications or Landmark administrator as they require knowledge of business classes.

  6. Select OK.

    All existing records in Supplier and Vendor Compare are deleted and a new set of records is created.