Invoice spend by diversity code report

The Invoice Spend by Diversity Code report shows vendor invoice spending by diversity code. Running this report helps you identify diversity codes assigned to an Accounts Payable invoice.


Be aware that the report includes all spending, not just that from Strategic Sourcing, depending on the report parameters you select.

To report on invoice spend by diversity code

Access My Reports > Invoice Spend by Diversity Code.

Use the following guidelines to enter field values.

Vendor Group

Type the vendor group to be reported on.

Vendor Number

Type the vendor whose spending you want to report on.


Type an asterisk to include all vendors.

Payment (Check) Date Range

Type the beginning and ending payment dates to report on.

Exclude Vendor Class

Indicate a vendor class to exclude from the report.

Separate multiple values by using the pipe (|) character.

Exclude PO Code

Indicate a purchase order code to exclude from the report.

Separate multiple values by using the pipe (|) character.

Print Graph

Indicate whether to include the graph in the report.

Print Parameters

Indicate whether the parameters are to print on the report itself.