Analysis options for Recall Manager
The following forms are available to view and analyze Recall Management data. The Recall Manager can analyze how long it takes to process recall notices in order to identify inefficiencies or bottlenecks. You can analyze notices, tasks, coordinator, responders, and organization performance by quantity of recall notices and number of days to close.
Notice Analysis
This form presents all notices in the system. Use the search fields at the top to narrow the results by notice number, status, type, or creation date range. Analysis details will present on the bottom of the form. You can print the report or export it to PDF.
Task Analysis
This form presents all the tasks for notices in the system. Use the search fields at the top to narrow the notice list by number, status, type, or creation date range. When you select a notice on top, all the tasks appear on the bottom. You can view task details, and summary information for the task, such as accepted date, days to accept, completed date, and days to complete.
Organization Notice Analysis
This form presents the organizations and all associated notices in the system. Select an organization in the top of the form. You can narrow the notice list at the bottom of the form using a creation date range.
Coordinator Notice Analysis
This form presents the coordinators and all associated notices in the system. Select a coordinator in the top of the form. You can narrow the notice list at the bottom of the form using a creation date range.
Responder Task Analysis
This form presents the responders and all associated notices in the system. Select a responder in the top of the form and you can see all the tasks assigned to the responder. You can narrow the list of tasks at the bottom of the form using a notice creation date range.