Creating users

Create users to have access to the Recall Portal and to receive tasks and notifications related to recalls notices. Users are coordinators, managers, responders.

Creating users will create RecallUser agents in the system. These agents must be linked to actors in order for the system to associate users with actors. For example, when the user logs into Recall Portal they can view their tasks in My Tasks.


Work with your Landmark security administrator to:

  • Make sure that you have the appropriate security roles assigned to actors. For example, a recall user may be set as coordinator, but the actor must also have a Recall Coordinator security role assigned to them.

  • Assign agents to actors once your users are created (creating users creates agents in the system).

For more information about security, see the Lawson Landmark Technology User Setup and Security Guide.


You can also import users from a spreadsheet into Recall Management.

To create users

  1. Access Recall Administrator > Setup > Users.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Create. Use the following guidelines to enter field values.
    Recall Group



    Not required. If entered, it is used for Task Monitoring if tasks are overdue and escalations are selected.


    Select this field if the user is a recall coordinator.


    Select this field if the user is active. You can inactivate a user by clearing this field.

    First Name


    Last Name


    Email Address


  3. From the Action menu, select Save.

    The system will assign a numeric recall user ID to the user.

Next steps

When you save the user record, an agent record is created in the system. The agent record has an Agent Type of RecallUser and includes the recall group identifier and the recall user ID. The agent record must be linked to an actor in the system. In order for your Landmark security administrator to successfully link the RecallUser agents to actors, you will need to provide information to your Landmark security administrator.

Lawson recommends you access the Users list (Recall Administrator > Setup > Users) and use the options menu to export the users list as a CSV or PDF. The output should include the Recall Group, user ID, and user name or email. Optionally, you can add the actor ID to each user (if known). Provide the recall user information to the security administrator who will be able to link the RecallUser agents to actors in the system using the Lawson Rich Client Data Menu.