Main steps for security setup

  • Before a new user initially logs in, finish assigning all appropriate roles to the user. If assigning a new role to an existing user, clear the cache before the user logs in again.

The application installation completes the following security setup. For more information, see the Infor Lawson Supply Chain Management Applications, built with Landmark Installation Guide.

  • Creates default security roles

  • Assigns security classes to roles

  • Provisions the lawson role

  • Uses LSF users to create actor IDs and access in Landmark

The security administrator will use the Application menu under GEN to:

  • Assign roles to actors (User Management > Actor Management)

  • Create and activate an account lockout policy and a password reset policy (Security System Management > Security Policies)

The security administrator will use the Lawson Rich Client Data Menu to:

  • Assign agents to actors, after users are set up.

If you use Infor Process Automation, the process server administrator will use the Process Server Administrator menu to:

  • Create Process Server users (Process User Administrator > User Configuration)

For more information about the security setup and administration, see the Lawson Landmark Technology User Setup and Security Guide.