Security class and role templates
The following table illustrates how security classes are assigned to roles in Recall Management. This can be a starting point for your security implementation. There are no specific rules regarding the assignment of security classes to roles; you can assign any class to any role. Also, there are additional Lawson Landmark Technology security classes that you may need to assign to these various roles within the GEN module. For information about security classes and roles and the GEN security classes, refer to the Lawson Landmark Technology User Setup and Security Guide.
Security Role | Security Classes |
RecallAdministrator_ST |
BasicProductlineAccess_ST ProductLineAccess_ST SCMCommonViewInformation_ST RecallSetupMenuAndSetupMaint_ST |
RecallAnonymous_ST |
BasicProductlineAccess_ST ProductLineAccess_ST SCMCommonViewInformation_ST RecallPortalViewNotices_ST RecallPortalCreateNotice_ST |
RecallCoordinator_ST |
BasicProductlineAccess_ST ProductLineAccess_ST SCMCommonViewInformation_ST RecallCoordinatorMenu_ST RecallCoordNoticeMaint_ST |
RecallManager_ST |
BasicProductlineAccess_ST ProductLineAccess_ST RecallManagerMenu_ST SCMCommonViewInformation_ST RecallMgrNoticeMaint_ST |
RecallManualApprover_ST | RecallManualApproval_ST |
RecallPortalUser_ST |
BasicProductlineAccess_ST ProductLineAccess_ST SCMCommonViewInformation_ST RecallPortalViewNotices_ST RecallPortalCreateNotice_ST RecallPortalMyTasks_ST |
RecallResponder_ST |
BasicProductlineAccess_ST ProductLineAccess_ST SCMCommonViewInformation_ST RecallResponderMenuTaskMaint_ST |
SupplierRecallAccess_ST | SupplierRecallAccess_ST |