Creating task instructions

Create a library of predefined instructions on how to resolve a recall notice. For example, Destroy Product, Retrain Personnel, or Return to Manufacturer. Instructions can include questions for the responder (for example: Did you find the affected recalled product at your location? What date were these products destroyed? Did you send the Manufacturer a confirmation of destruction letter? If so, please attach.) Task instructions can be assigned to each product on a Recall Notice.

To create a task instruction

  1. Access Recall Administrator > Setup > Task Instructions.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Create. Use the following guidelines for entering field values.
    Recall Group


    Task Instruction

    Required. Type an instruction. The instruction can be up to 50 characters.


    Required. Add additional information or your internal description of the instruction.


    Select this field if the task instruction is active. This field is selected by default. You can inactivate a task instruction by clearing this field.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Save.
  4. Optional. You can create questions on the task instruction for the person assigned the task instruction to respond to.
    1. On the Questions tab, from the Actions menu, select Create.
    2. On Create Task Instruction Question, use the following guidelines to enter field values.

      Required. Type the text for the question.

      Response Type

      Required. Select a response type for the question:

      • Text - Descriptive text

      • Number - Numeric value

      • Date - Date format

      • List - Multiple choice answer (provide the available answers after adding the question)

      • Yes No - Yes or No answer

      • Yes No Text - Yes or No answer with additional descriptive text


      Indicate if an answer is required or not.


      You can add an attachment file, such as a detailed instruction sheet, a form, or an image.

      Allow Attachment

      Indicate if the responder can add an attachment to the question response.

    3. From the Actions menu, select Save.