Recall Management security roles

Security classes are assigned to roles in order for user to be able to access the application. You assign roles to actors. The following table lists the default roles that are defined in the Lawson Recall Management application.

Security Role Description

The administrator role has access to the setup forms that are used to create and maintain the components that make up the recall organization and notices. The administrator also has access to utilities such as system queues and data maintenance.

The Recall Administrator can be an additional role that you assign to a Recall Manager or Recall Coordinator.

RecallAnonymous_ST The anonymous role has access to all functions of the Recall Portal except My Tasks. The user can search and view recall notices and create new notices.
RecallCoordinator_ST The coordinator has access to create and maintain recall notices.

The manager has access to create and maintain recall notices as well as access to analysis programs.

The delivered manager role is the coordinator role with additional access to analysis programs.


Allows manual approval of notices if Infor Process Automation or the approver is not available.

This is an additional role you can assign to an actor.

RecallPortalUser_ST The role has access to all functions of the Recall Portal. The user can search and view recall notices, create new notices, and view and complete recall-related tasks assigned to them.
RecallResponder_ST The responder has access to recall-related tasks assigned to them, either using the Recall Portal or the Recall Responder space.

Lets a user access the Recall Management menu on the Supplier Portal.

You can attach this role to specific suppliers if you want certain suppliers to have access to report recalls through the Supplier Portal. Alternatively, you could attach the SupplerRecallAccess security class to the SupplierPrimaryContact or SupplierContact roles. For more information on Supplier Portal roles and security classes, review the Strategic Sourcing, Contract Management, and Supplier Order Management Administration Guide.