Importing recall notices

You can import recall notices from a spreadsheet using Lawson Spreadsheet Designer. There is a sample Microsoft Excel spreadsheet available in LASRCDIR\dataarea\module\recall\sample\

You must have Lawson Spreadsheet Designer installed.

To import recall notices

  1. Use spreadsheet designer to access your data area and the RecallNotice, RecallProduct, and RecallNoticeReference business classes.
  2. Map your spreadsheet columns to the fields in the RecallNotice, RecallProduct, and RecallNoticeReference business classes.
  3. Upload your mapped data to Recall Management.
  4. In Recall Management, access the Recall Notice records. Imported recall notices will be in the Pending status. If necessary, edit the records. For example, you may want to use the Parse Product Description action to identify items, serial, and lot numbers for the recall product. Parsing the Product Description field

    When they are ready, you can release them.