Customize the SupplierFAQ file (Supplier Portal Help)

This procedure describes how to customize the HTML help or FAQ for the Supplier Portal.

Lawson provides a two sample HTML files that can be used online help for the Supplier Portal Web application. The HTML help files are in the form of frequently asked questions (FAQ). HTML help files are templates, and Lawson encourages you to customize the HTML help to meet your organization's needs. For example, you might want to customize procedural information to better match your organization's business processes, add graphics such as screen captures that reflect your customized Web UI, or include important information such as an email or phone number of a contact at your organization.

To modify the HTML help file

  1. Open the file in a text editor or other HTML editor.

    The HTML file resides in the following location in the file system:

    Windows: %LASRCDIR%\dataarea\modules\ss\webapps\SourcingSupplier\src\lawson\help\html

    UNIX: $LASCDIR/dataarea/modules/ss/webapps/SourcingSupplier/src/lawson/help/html

  2. Choose a file to modify.

    SupplierFAQwSOM.htm includes content about using the Supplier Portal application for Strategic Sourcing (event) functionality AND Supplier Order Management (orders, payments, performance evaluations).

    SupplierFAQ.htm includes content about using the Supplier Portal application for Strategic Sourcing (event) functionality only.

  3. Edit the file.

    If you are not implementing all the features in Supplier Portal you may want to remove content about it. For example, if you will not use supplier performance evaluations, you may want to remove the question and answers that deal with performance evaluations.

  4. Save the file to its original location with the name SupplierFAQ.htm, and check it in.

    To work properly, the file must have the name SupplierFAQ.htm and it must be in the original location.

  5. Preview your updated help text.