To add comments
- Select a contract for which you want to add comments to its milestone.
- Click the Comments tab.
- From the Actions menu, select Create.
On the Create Contract Milestone Comment form, use
the following guidelines to enter field values:
- Comment Title
Type a title for the comment.
Note:A title is required if you do not attach a file for the comment.
- Description
Type a description for the milestone comment that you are creating.
If you enter a comment title but not a description, the value you entered in the Comment Title field displays in this field.
- Attachment Information
Click the attachment icon and browse to an attachment to use for the comment.
Note:An attachment is required if you do not enter a title for the comment.
- Include Attachment On Milestone Notification Emails
Select this checkbox to send this comment's attachments on email notifications for this milestone.
- Click Save.