About Available Reports

Administrators and managers will want to run various reports to determine contract efficiency, and help improve it. Contract Management provides reports on the following topics:

  • Contract compliance

  • Item cost variance

  • Off contract purchasing

  • Rebates by due date

  • Projected rebate distributions

  • Contract rebate activity

  • Contract tier detail

  • Buyer Contracts by Expiration Date

These reports are made possible through a component of Lawson Business Intelligence (LBI), called Reporting Services, and the Crystal Report Designer. Reporting Services is a reporting repository for secure report delivery. Specifically, the LBI administrator must assign permission to those users who are allowed to access each individual report. Without such permission, a user cannot see or run a report.

For information on assigning permissions, see the Reporting Services Administrator and User Guide.


Before a report can be run, certain load programs need to be run, in order to extract data needed for each report. The instructions for loading data are described as the initial step in running each report.