Calculating rebate amounts

When invoices related to items or vendors defined on rebate contracts have been processed in Accounts Payable, you can run programs to calculate rebate amounts due for those contracts.

  • This rebate load program is a "driver" set action program that potentially generates several other in-turn rebate set action programs into the Async job scheduler queue.

  • The invoices that relate to contract rebates must be retrieved from the back office and copied in a different format to the Landmark-based Contract Management application. The Load Rebate Invoices program accomplishes that task.

To calculate rebate amounts

  1. Navigate to Contract Administrator > Contract Utilities > Load Rebate Data to run the rebate load program, Load Rebate Invoices.
  2. Run Rebate Calculations to calculate expected rebated amounts for contracts.

    The Rebate Calculations program uses qualifying invoices for a particular due date to determine if thresholds for all qualifiers have been exceeded. These thresholds are based on the value in the Purchase Operator field and either Purchase Percent Of All Purchases or Purchase Amount. For example, if the operator is greater than and purchase amount is 500, qualifying invoice records have to be greater than $500 total. Once the invoices pass the qualification, the base purchase amount defined on the rebate is subtracted from total purchases, then multiplied by the rebate percent to get a rebate amount.

    The thresholds for growth rebates are determined by comparing current purchase amounts to the Base Purchase Amount on the rebate due record. Once the growth percent or amount is determined, the rebate percent or amount from the proper growth criteria record is used. If amount, that is the rebate amount. If percent, it is multiplied by current purchases.

  3. Analyze the rebates. For more information, see Analyzing rebates.

Follow up task: Updating expected rebate amount after initial calculations

You may need to update the Expected Rebate Amount after initial calculations are done due to changes in qualifier definitions or more invoices being processed in Accounts Payable which leads to more qualifying invoices to calculate against. There are two programs you can run at the contract level to update the expected rebate amount: Calculate Expected Rebate Due Amount and Recalculate For Qualifier Changes.