Contracts by expiration date report
With this report, you can view a buyer's workload and identify any contracts that are due to expire within a specific date range.
To report on buyer contracts by expiration date
Use the following guidelines to enter field values.
- Contract Group
Type the contract group on which you want to report or type an asterisk to include all contract groups.
- Buyer
Type the buyer or type an asterisk to include all buyers.
- Contract Expiration Date Range
Type the beginning and end dates for reporting on buyer contracts.
- Contract Status
Select a contract status on which you want to report:
Final Approval
Ready to Activate
- Supplier Number
Type the supplier's number on which you want to report or type an asterisk.
- Contract Class
Type the contract classification on which you want to report.
- Contract Subclass
Type the contract subclassification on which you want to report.
- Contract Type
Type the type of contract on which you want to report.
- Contract Subtype
Type the type of subcontract on which you want to report.
- Commodity Code
Type the commodity code on which you want to report.
- Commodity Code Description
Type the description of the commodity code.
- Supplier Name
Type the supplier on which you want to report or type an asterisk to include all suppliers.
- Sort By
Select Primary Contact or Buyer.
- Include Details
Indicate whether to include details on the report.
- Print Parameters
Indicate whether the parameters are to print on the report itself.