Loading invoice data for Spend Analysis

Use this procedure to load spend analysis records that can be viewed on the Spend Analysis form.


You may want to run Load And Consolidate Spend Analysis to both load and consolidate invoice data the first time you create spend analysis data. After that, you may want to use Load And Consolidate Spend Analysis to update the invoice data from accounts payable and purchase order to build your records (perhaps use Schedule to create an update that runs nightly). In a separate run, you would use Consolidate Spend Analysis to create the consolidated records for viewing in Spend Analysis.

Monitor set action programs using My Actions. Select your action in the list and the Action Instances region shows the progress or status of the action. Once your action finished, it will disappear from the form.

To load invoice data for spend analysis records

  1. Access Spend Analysis > Load And Consolidate Spend Analysis.
  2. Select the vendor group.
  3. Use the following guidelines to enter field values.
    Invoice Line Fact Date Range

    Enter a date range to load invoice lines. After you run this program the firs time, the program will set the date range to the last run date through the current date.

    You would only have to enter a different date range if invoices have been created with backdated dates into a date range that was already used.

    Consolidation Date Range

    If you are going to create consolidated records at the same time you load data, you must enter a date range or select the Consolidate The Last Twelve Months field.

    Consolidate The Last Twelve Months

    If you are going to create consolidated records at the same time you load data, you must select this field or enter a consolidation date range.

    Consolidation Options

    If you select No Consolidation, the program will load the records but not consolidate them. You need to run the Consolidate Spend Analysis program separately.

    If you are going to create consolidated records at the time you load invoice data, select at least one consolidation option.

  4. Optional. You can use the Schedule... button to set the set action to run regularly.
  5. Select OK.