Attaching questions to contracts

Follow these steps to attach a question to a contract.

To attach a question to a contract

  1. Access Contract Management > In Progress tab.
  2. Select a contract that you want to attach a question to.
  3. Click the Questions button.
  4. Click the Question List tab > Helper List.
  5. Select a question or questions that you want to attach to the contract and click Attach Question To Contract.

    The question displays on the Contract Question form.

  6. Click Close.
  7. Optional. You can create a new question for the contract.
    1. On the Questions List tab, select Actions > Create.
    2. Required. Type the text for the question.
    3. Required. Select a response type for the question.
    4. Select Actions > Save.

The questions that you attached to the contract also display on the Questions And Answers tab. However, each attached question may not require an answer to activate the contract.

Questions marked with (*) require an answer before the contract can be activated or before the contract can be released (if terms are associated with the question). Questions marked with (**) require a correct answer before the contract can be activated or released (if terms are associated with the question).

If a required question is not answered, it is displayed on the Unanswered Required Questions tab. If a required question is answered incorrectly (and it requires a correct answer), it is displayed on the Incorrectly Answered Questions tab.