Creating contract participants

Contract participants are used to create tier members who are eligible to receive a negotiated price on a manufacturer contract. After you create a contract participant, you can define your tiered pricing and tier qualifiers and assign a tier to a qualified member.

You can also use participants for non manufacturer/distributor contracts to limit who can participate in the contract by company or location.

To create a contract participant

  1. Access Contract Management > In Progress tab.
  2. Select a contract for which you want to create a contract participant.
  3. Click the Participants tab.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Create.
  5. On the Create Contract Participant form, use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Select a company that you want to assign as a contract participant.


    Select a company location (or department) that you want to add as a participant or tier member on a contract.

    Accounting Unit

    Select an accounting unit that you want to assign as a participant on a contract.

  6. Click Save.