Setting up rebate types

Setting up a rebate type lets you organize the rebates that your company uses on a contract.

To set up rebate types

  1. Access Setup > Rebate Types.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Create.

    Use the following guidelines to enter field values.

    Contract Group

    Required. Select a contract group to assign to the rebate type.

    Rebate Type

    Required. Type a name for the rebate type that you are creating. For example, Supplies.


    Required. Type a description for the rebate type. For example, if the rebate is based on the dollar amount of supplies purchased, the description can be stated:

    3% based on total dollar volume of supplies purchased.


    The description only appears on Create Contract Rebate Type.

    Growth Rebate

    A growth rebate is based on incremental purchases over the prior period of purchases. For example, if the growth in purchases is greater than 5% but less than 6% versus the prior period, the rebate paid is 5%.

    If the growth in purchases is greater than 6% but less than 7% versus the prior period, the rebate paid is 6%.

    If the growth in purchases is greater than 7% but less than 8% versus the prior period, the rebate paid is 7%.


    You can select Growth Rebate or Fixed Rebate Amount, but not both.

    Fixed Rebate Amount

    Select this checkbox to create a rebate type with a fixed amount taken off purchases, regardless of how much money is spent.


    Indicate whether the rebate type is active.

  3. Click Save.