About articles
Articles are a group of related terms and conditions that help identify a specific section of a contract. Depending on setup, an article can contain either a single term or condition or a group of terms and conditions.
After an article has been added, a display order can be defined. The display order determines the layout of the articles and terms and conditions within a contract. When articles are attached to a contract, the terms and conditions associated with those articles can also be attached to the contract.
Examples of an article include:
All pricing-related terms and conditions
All specific payment terms and conditions
All consignment-related terms and conditions
All warranty-related terms and conditions
All delivery-related terms and conditions
You can attach articles to a contract through one of two methods: directly to the contract or by attaching articles to questions that are used in the interview process. The interview process lets you create a contract by answering a set of predetermined questions. For more information, see Assigning articles and terms to questions and answers.
You can assign an article to an existing procurement group that is set up in the Purchase Order application. For information on procurement groups, see the Purchase Order User Guide.