Contract Internal Approval

When a contract is released, the approval process is started in Process Automation. A Contract Workunit and Contract Workunit Action record are created which can be viewed on the Work Units tab of the Contract. The records track the movement of the document through the process automation system. The Contract has a Released status.

All process automation users who have the ContractApprover1 task associated receive an email with a link that indicates they have something to approve. The approver can access the Web Inbasket through the link or through the Rich Client Inbasket if they have Rich Client access. The record displays in the Work Items list for Contract Approver 1 with the Contract number noted.

When the Workunit record is opened in the Inbasket, there is a Document button that allows the user to view the document stored in the CONTRACT_LOCATION folder. The folder is a working area for document revision while the document is going through the approval process. While viewing the Document, the User should set it to track revisions and any changes will be redlined. After making changes, the User should save the revised document back to the same folder. There are two action options:

  1. Final Approval With Changes: this option finishes the initial process automation processing of the Contract. A reason code and comment must be entered. The Contract status is set to Negotiation (if the Contract Classification is set to Require Supplier Negotiation). The Contract Work Unit is considered to be complete. An email is sent to the Contract Primary Contact indicating that the Contract has been approved.

    The Contract Redline Approval process does not send the workunit to Contract Approver 2.

  2. Reassign: this option assigns the document to another User. To reassign:
    1. Indicate the Contract Approver Chosen (the person to reassign to) by opening the Contract Approver Chosen list item and typing or selecting a person to reassign to.
    2. Click the Reassign button on the top of the page. A Reason Code and comment must be entered.

An email is sent to the email address associated with the Actor who the document was reassigned to. The assignee can view and make redline changes to the contract from the email by clicking the Contract number link. The revised document should be saved to the same folder with the same name. From this email the current assignee has several options:

  • Approve With Changes: this option sends the document back to the Inbasket of all users who have the Contract Approver 1 task.

  • Approve: this option closes the workunit and puts the Contract in a Negotiation status as described above for Final Approval With Changes.

  • Disapprove: this option puts the Contract back in Draft or Addendum status.

  • Reassign button: this action button should not be clicked. Use the Process Automation Inbasket link to reassign.

  • Reject: this option puts the Contract in Inactive status.

  • Reassign by clicking the Process Automation Inbasket link: If the Process Automation Inbasket link is clicked, the Inbasket is displayed. If the Work Item relating to the email is not displayed, click the Task that corresponds to the User name. Open the workunit to display the form. A Chosen Approver should be typed or selected. Click the Reassign button.


    Whenever processes other than Reassign are performed from the email, browser window is displayed. For all actions except Approve, a reason code and comment will need to entered. Once a comment is entered nothing more needs to be done; close the window.


All actions except Approve require a Reason Code and Comment. Reason Codes and comments entered can be viewed on forms for Work Unit Actions, which are located under Contract Work Units.