Analyzing rebates

By analyzing rebate data, you can identify the rebates already received and the rebates you are still expecting.

To analyze rebates assigned to contracts

  1. Select the contract whose rebate information you want to view.
  2. Click the Rebate tab. For each rebate, the application displays the following:
    • Vendor

    • Rebate type

    • Frequency

    • First rebate due date

    • Growth rebate

    • Contract status

  3. Double-click the rebate that you want to analyze.
  4. Click the Rebate Due Dates tab. For each rebate, the application displays the following:
    • Due date

    • Expected rebate amount

    • Received rebate amount

    • Amount remaining to be received

    • Current purchases

    • Rebate status

    When the rebate has a received amount entered or an expected amount calculated, the Rebate Analysis tab displays.

  5. Click the Rebate Analysis tab to view a bar graph of the received rebate amount versus the expected rebate amount by due date.
  6. To view qualifying invoices, open a rebate due line on the Rebate Due Dates tab. On the Contract Rebate Due form, if there are qualifying invoices, the Invoice Line Detail tab and/or Invoice Detail tabs displays next to the Rebates Received tab. Invoice Line Detail and Invoice Detail provide you a list of invoices, and you can open forms to see more details.