To add comments to a contract deliverable

  1. Select the contract whose contract deliverable you want to add comments.
  2. Click the Deliverables tab and double-click the deliverable to which you want to add comments.
  3. Click the Comments tab.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Create.
  5. On the Create Contract Deliverable Comment form, use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Comment Title

    Required. Type a title for the comment.


    A title is required if you do not attach a file for the comment.


    Type a description for the deliverable comment.


    Click the attachment icon and browse to an attachment that you want to use for the comment.


    An attachment is required if you do not enter a title for the comment.

    Include Attachment On Deliverable Notification Emails

    Select this checkbox to send this comment's attachments on email notifications for this deliverable.

  6. Click Save.