Contract compliance report

By running the Contract Compliance report, you see which items have been negotiated. In other words, you see:

  • the items that were bought against the contract that was negotiated (on contract)

  • the items that were bought from other suppliers (off contract)

For on contract items, the report lists the:

  • Contract group and number

  • Supplier and vendor

  • Unit cost and extended cost (invoice to purchase order)

For off contract items, the report lists the:

  • Vendor

  • Vendor agreement

  • Unit cost and extended cost (invoice to contract)

To report on contract compliance

  1. Load the necessary data by running these load programs (in the order listed). Access Utilities > Data Extraction.
    1. Click the Load PO Invoice Line Data program to extract invoice line data. Select the procurement group, and beginning and ending match date.
    2. Click the Load Contract Compliance Invoice Lines program to extract contract invoice lines. Select the contract group and contract.

    You can schedule load programs to run periodically (nightly or weekly, for example). To do so, click the Schedule button and complete the appropriate fields. In this case, you do not need to manually run the load programs before running the report itself.

  2. Run the Contract Compliance report by accessing Inquiries And Reports > My Reports > Contract Compliance.

    Use the following guidelines to enter field values.

    Contract Group

    Type the contract group for which you want to report.


    Type the specific contract within the contract group on which you want to report.

    On Off Contract

    Indicate how you want the information to display:

    • Display All Records

    • On Contract Records

    • Off Contract Records

    Above Percent Variance

    For off contract items, this represents the percentage difference between the unit cost on the invoice and the unit cost on the contract.

    For on contract items, this represents the percentage difference between the unit cost on the invoice and the unit cost on the purchase order.

    Above Amount Variance

    For off contract items, this represents the amount difference between the unit cost on the invoice and the unit cost on the contract.

    For on contract items, this represents the amount difference between the unit cost on the invoice and the unit cost on the purchase order.

    Print Parameters

    Decide whether to print parameters on the report.