Excluding bank statements

Bank statements can be excluded from certain dates and cash accounts.

  1. Access Treasury Manager > Statement Processing > Incoming Bank Statements.
  2. Double-click a calendar date to view a cash account.
  3. Exclude a bank statement from certain dates.
    1. On the Incoming Bank Statement For (Date) form, select the cash account that will not be receiving bank statements for that date.
    2. Access the Actions menu and select Exclude Statement For Date.
    3. In the comment box, provide a comment or reason for excluding the cash account to bank statements.
    4. If an account is marked as Excluded, access the Actions menu and select Include Statement For Date to revert the status of the account.
  4. Exclude a bank statement from cash accounts.

    This feature is used for cash accounts that will rarely or never have bank statements interfaced.

    1. On the Incoming Bank Statement For (Date) form, select the cash account that will not be receiving bank statements.
    2. Access the Actions menu and select Exclude Statements For Account.
    3. In the comment box, provide a comment or reason for excluding the cash account to bank statements.
    4. If an account is marked as Excluded, access the Actions menu and select Include Statement For Account to revert the status of the account.