Mapping Async queues

  1. Access Async Administrator > Async Framework Components > Queue Mappings.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    This field is populated with the name of the Async queue.
    Async Queue Definition
    This field is populated with the name of the Async queue.
    Async Queue Mapping
    Type a number for the order that the queue mapping has relative to other mappings. For example, a value of 2 will put the mapping second.
    Do not select an Actor for the mapping. Selecting an actor will limit the mapping to one user, which is not applicable to Async queues.
    Data Area
    Select a data area for the mapping.
    Class and Action
    Select a business class and corresponding action for the queue mapping. The following class and action combinations are recommended for each type of Async queue:
    • CTM Forecast Queue
      Class Action
      CashForecast BuildForecastNew
      CashForecastCategory CalculateForecastAmountByCategory
      BankStatementLine GetForecastTransactions
      CashForecastPeriod CalculateForecastAverages
      CashForecastCategory CalculateForecastAmountForAllCategories
    • CTM Reconciliation Queue
      Class Action
      BankStatementLine LoadLinesIntoReconciliation
      CashForecastDetail LoadDetailsIntoReconciliation
      BankStatementReconciliation ReconcileStatementLines
      NonCashLedgerTransaction LoadTransactionsIntoReconciliation
      BankStatement ClearAllReconciliations
    • CTM Treasury Queue
      Class Action
      BankStatementInterfaceHeader ImportAll
      BankStatementInterface ImportBatch
      BankStatementLine CreateForecastActuals
    Save History
    Select whether or not to save the history of the queue mapping. Select Queue Default to match the choice of the corresponding Async queue.
    Select Normal.
    Log Producer Name
    Leave this field blank for Async queue mapping.
  4. Click Save to return to the queue screen or click Save and New to save the current queue mapping and create another.