Creating approval levels

Create one or more approval levels to specify how many approvals are required and in what order they are performed in for approval of a close task or account reconciliation.

  1. On the Approval Levels tab, click Actions > Create.
  2. To designate a single person to approve at this level, click the arrow next to the Approver field and select the approver. To designate a team to approve at this level, click the arrow next to the Approval Team field and select the approval team.
  3. To escalate the approval after a specific amount of time, specify the number of hours in the Escalate After field.
  4. To escalate the approval to the next level after the designated amount of time, select Next Approval Level in the dropdown box. To escalate the approval level to a specific level after the designated amount of time, select Specific Approval Level in the dropdown box and then select the approval level to escalate to in the Approval Level field.
  5. Click the Save And New icon to create another approval level or click the Save icon to save the approval level and return to the Update Approval Code window.