Routing to individuals or teams of resources


If your organization uses routing to individuals or teams of individuals, the following setup is required:

  • (Team routing only) Teams and team members

  • Invoice approval codes that define a list of individuals or teams to route to, in the order they are to be routed, and optionally, with maximum amounts they are allowed to approve

  • Invoice routing rules that include these approval codes

How are the invoices routed?

  1. An AP processor is assigned to an invoice, reviews the invoice, and submits it for approval.

  2. The system finds a matching invoice routing rule.

  3. The approval code is displayed on a form. The AP processor has the chance to change the approval code before submitting the approval.

  4. AP Invoice Automation evaluates the invoice approval code and routes the approval to the first approver (or approvers in case of a team). Each approver receives a work unit in his or her inbasket.


    If the routing code includes a team, any member of the team can approve the work unit. Once a member of the team takes action on a work unit, the work unit disappears from the inbasket of the other team members.

  5. An approver can access his work units through one of the following manners:

    • If the resource record includes an e-mail address and the option to receive a notification if an invoice awaits approval, the resource will receive an e-mail with a link to Invoice Approval, which is a web page containing a subset of the resource's inbasket, with only the invoices that the resource is responsible for.

    • If the resource accesses his or her notifications in Infor Rich Client, the notifications for the work units contain a link to Invoice Approval.

    • The approver can create/update/delete Distributions if the Allow Distribution Entry During Approval flag in the Finance Group is set to True.

  6. To take action, the approver opens the work unit. A summary of the invoice appears. The approver cannot change the invoice but only enter comments.

    • If the approver approves the invoice, the invoice is routed to the next approver on the approval code.

    • If the approver rejects the invoice, the invoice is returned to the AP processor as rejected. The AP processor can make changes and resubmit the invoice for approval.

    • If the approver reassigns the invoice to another resource, the invoice is routed to that resource.

  7. Once the last approver approves, the invoice status will be either Approved or Sent for Payment, depending on the Finance Group setting.


    Finance Group setting should be set to Automatically Send Invoices For Payment After Approval.