Creating a direct forecast
- Access Treasury Manager > Manage Forecasts > Direct Forecast.
From the Direct Forecasts space, select Actions > Create.
Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
- Forecast Name
Type the name of the forecast.
- Description
Type a description of the forecast.
- Company
Select a company from the list.
- Account
Select an account from the list.
- Forecast By
Company Currency
Cash Code Currency
- Forecast Date
Select the date the forecast was made.
- Forecast Range Days
Type the number of days past the forecast date in which you want to group forecast transactions together (10, 20, 30).
- Include Payables
Select this box if you want to include Infor Lawson Financials Accounts Payables in the forecast.
- Include Receivables
Select this box if you want to include Infor Lawson Financials Accounts Receivables in the forecast.
- Include Procurement
Select this box if you want to include Infor Lawson Financials Procurement purchase orders in the forecast.
Note:Select the check box you want to include in the forecast. You must select at least one. You can select all three.
- Click Save.
Viewing a forecast.
Select the forecast on the Direct Forecast panel.
The Cashflow-Bar Chart panel displays the forecast by forecast range days in graphic form.
The Direct Forecast Periods panel displays for each range days the cash in-flow, cash out-flow, and from and to dates.
Hover over a graph bar to view the appropriate amount.