Creating a fee service code
Fee service codes are fee codes from the bank.
On the Fee Services Codes tab for the bank, select Actions > Create.
Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
- Fee Service Code
Type a Fee Service Code (alphanumeric field)
- Description
Description of the service code
- Fee Service Category
Group of fee service codes that fall under a specified category
- Unit Price As Of date
The effective date of the unit price for the fee service code.
- Unit Price
The unit price for the fee service code for the effective date.
- No Unit Price
Select the check box if the service code does not have a price.
- AFP Code
The Associate for Financial Professionals Code is another code used to identify the services provided by the bank. AFP codes are predetermined by the bank so any AFP code a user would enter is associated with the Fee Service Code.
- Click the arrow in the Fee Service Category field and create a category from the menu. You will have to create a Fee Service Category at this point. For more information, see Creating a fee service category.
- Click Save.