Creating a branch
A branch is a registered office of the institution/bank from where the bank carries out its functions. A branch may be different departments within an institution/bank or it can be different physical locations.
On the Branches tab for the bank, select Actions > Create.
The Financial Institution field will already be pre-populated based on the institution that you were previously on.
Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
- Branch
Registered office of the bank
- Branch Description
Description of the branch
- Active
Indicates if the branch is active or not
In the Detail tab, use the following guidelines to enter field values:
- Branch SWIFT
For international bank accounts, enter the SWIFT code.
- Branch Identifier
Enter a branch identifier.
- Routing Numbers
Enter the bank account routing numbers. Unique routing numbers can be defined for the following:
Wire Transfer
- Branch Address
Address of the bank branch
- Other Address
Alternative address for the bank branch
Click Save.
The Contacts, Branch Ratings, Intermediary Banks, and Documents tabs are now available.
Create a contact.
From the Actions menu, select Create.
Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
- First Name
First name of the contact
- Last Name
Last name of the contact
- Title
Optional. Title of the contact
Note:If the contact is located somewhere other than the address entered in the General tab, select the check box Address Different from Branch Address and enter a new address for that contact.
- Address Different From Branch Address
Select the check box if the contact's location is different from the branch location.
- Contact Information
Phone number
Fax number
Email address
- Click Save.
From the Actions menu, select Create.
Create a branch rating.
From the Actions menu, select Create.
Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
- Rating Agency
Organization that assigns ratings for different institutions based on their performance history and future potential
- Description
Description of the rating or score
- Rating
The rating or score from the rating agency
- As of Date
Date the rating was posted on the agency site
- Rating Website
The rating agency website (URL)
- Click Save.
From the Actions menu, select Create.
Create an intermediary bank.
From the Actions menu, select Create.
Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
Enter the SWIFT account for the intermediary bank.
- Description
Description of the intermediary bank
- Currency
Enter the currency for the intermediary bank.
Note:A branch can only have one currency code.
- Comments
Optional field for additional information
- Click Save.
From the Actions menu, select Create.
- To create a document, see Attaching a document.
- Click Save.