Data export

This section provides information on how to export data from the CTM application.

Exporting interface records for stand-alone Cash and Treasury Management

CTM places Released Statement Line Distributions and Released Reconciliation Variance Distributions into a file that can be interfaced into other applications.

If you are using CTM as a stand-alone application, you can set up export processes to take data from either the GLTRANSREL or the FinanceJournalInterfaceLine interface file. The files contain the same data, even if the company and account information are formatted differently in the GLTRANSREL file.

To set the 'Interfaced' status on newly interfaced records, delete the related interfaced records from the GLTRANSREL table.

Only treasury distribution records that have been released and moved into the interface file are available for interface into other applications.


Interface records may be viewed in Treasury Manager > Statement Processing > Interface Distributions.


This business class contains distribution records from the Cash and Treasury module.

Field Field Length and Type States/Valid Values Definition
FinanceGroup Alpha 4 Finance group for the organization
FinanceJournalInterface Numeric 8 Journal interface for the record
FinanceJournalInterfaceLine Numeric 6 Line number for the record
Description Alpha 30 Distribution description
FromCompany Numeric 4 Company attached to the bank account generating the distribution



Numeric 4 Distribution company



Alpha 15 Distribution accounting unit




Numeric 6 Distribution account




Numeric 4 Distribution sub-account



Alpha 15 Project code value



Alpha 5 Project categorization code value



Alpha 32 Not utilized by CTM



Alpha 103 Not utilized by CTM
TransactionAmount Numeric 18.2 Distribution amount in the currency of the bank
PostingDate YYYYMMDD Posting date of the interface record
TransactionDate YYYYMMDD Bank statement date
Currency Alpha 5 Currency of the bank statement line
SystemCode Alpha 2 CT System code for CTM
SourceCode Alpha 2 BT Source code for CTM
ProgramCode Alpha 5 CTM Program code for CTM


This business class contains distribution records from the Cash and Treasury module in Infor Lawson format.

Field Field Length and Type States/Valid Values Definition
RunGroup Alpha 15 Identifier for interface record set
SeqNumber Numeric 6 Sequence number for the run group set
Company Numeric 4 Company attached to the bank account
OldCompany Alpha 35 Zero-filled distribution company and accounting unit
OldCpyShort Alpha 19 Not utilized by CTM
StringCompany Alpha 4 Not utilized by CTM
OldAcctNbr Alpha 25 Zero-filled distribution account and zero-filled distribution subaccount
OldAcctShort Alpha 10 Not utilized by CTM
SourceCode Alpha 2 BT Source Code for CTM
Date YYYYMMDD Bank statement date
Reference Alpha 10 Journal interface number generated when interfacing lines
Description Alpha 30 Description of distribution line
CurrencyCode Alpha 5 Currency of the Bank statement line
UnitsAmount Numeric 15.2 Not utilized by CTM
TranAmount Numeric 18.2 Distribution amount in the currency of the bank
BaseAmount Numeric 18.2 Not utilized by CTM
Baserate Numeric 14.7 Not utilized by CTM
SystemCode Alpha 2 CT System code for CTM
ProgramCode Alpha 5 CTM Program code for CTM
AutoRev Alpha 1 Not utilized by CTM
PostingDate YYYYMMDD Posting date of the interface record
Activity Alpha 15 Project code value
AcctCategory Alpha 5 Project categorization code value
DocumentNbr Alpha 27 Not utilized by CTM
ToBaseAmt Numeric 18.2 Not utilized by CTM
EffectDate YYYYMMDD Not utilized by CTM
JrnlBookNbr Alpha 12 Not utilized by CTM
MxValue Alpha 32 Not utilized by CTM
MxValue1 Alpha 32 Not utilized by CTM
MxValue2 Alpha 32 Not utilized by CTM
MxValue3 Alpha 32 Not utilized by CTM
JbkSeqNbr Numeric 10 Not utilized by CTM
NegativeAdj Alpha 1 Not utilized by CTM
SegmentBlock Alpha 103 Not utilized by CTM
RptAmount1 Numeric 18.2 Not utilized by CTM
RptRate1 Numeric 14.7 Not utilized by CTM
RptNd1 Numeric 1 Not utilized by CTM
RptAmount2 Numeric 18.2 Not utilized by CTM
RptRate Numeric 14.7 Not utilized by CTM
RptNd2 Numeric 1 Not utilized by CTM