Creating a lockbox

  1. On the Lockbox tab, select Actions > Create.

    Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Lockbox Number

    Enter the lockbox number.


    Description of the lockbox

    Open Date

    Enter the date the lockbox was opened.

    Close Date

    Only populated when lockbox is closed.


    Indicates if the lockbox is Open or Closed

  2. On the Address tab, use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Lockbox Address

    Enter the required information for the lockbox address.

    Courier Address

    Enter the required information for the courier address.

  3. On the Comments tab, Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Title of the comment


    Body of the comment


    Supporting documents of the comment

  4. Click Save.
  5. Close a lockbox.
    1. Select the lockbox to be closed.
    2. From the Actions menu, select Close Lockbox.
  6. Re-open a closed lockbox.
    1. Select the lockbox to be re-opened.
    2. From the Actions menu, select Open Lockbox.