Creating processing rules
Cash transaction processing rules are used to help with categorizing and analyzing the bank statements. A client can set up rules based on certain defined criteria and the system will categorize the incoming bank statements according to those defined rules.
Processing Rules are run in Priority order. The order of the rules can be changed by entering a new priority value in the New Priority column. Click Save to save the new priority value.
- Access Treasury Administrator > Cash Setup > Cash Transaction Setup > Processing Rules.
From the Actions menu, select Create.
Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
- Processing Rule
Title of the processing rule
- Description
Description of the processing rule
- Custom Group
Select a custom group from the list.
- Active
Indicates if the record is active or not
- Category
Select a category from the list.
- Coding Option
None - distribution information is not provided
Category - provides distribution information from categories
Processing Rule - provides distribution information from processing rules
Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
- Allocation Code
Select an allocation code from the list.
If there is no allocation code available, the following information may be provided:
- Company
Select a company from the list.
- Accounting Unit
Select an accounting unit from the list.
- Account
Select an account from the list.
- Activity
Select an activity from the list.
Identifier - provides distribution information from identifier types
- Identifier Type
Select an identifier type from the list.
Note:If you use this option, the custom group criteria must end with "and DescriptionMatchesIdentifier." The system will search the description for a match with one of the identifiers associated with the identifier type and will use the override category and distribution information from the identifier.
- Click Save.