Creating an identifier

An identifier is a code that is assigned to an identifier type. There can be multiple identifiers assigned to each identifier type. Each identifier can be associated with a posting account (company, accounting unit account) or an allocation code. An identifier can also be associated with an override category that will be used—instead of the processing rule default category—if the Identifier option is used on the processing rule. An identifier can represent any type of facility that allows cash flow in and out of the company. For example, if you received insurance payments from multiple insurances across multiple health facilities, you could have an identifier type for each insurance, and within that identifier type, you could have an identifier for each health facility that sends claims and receives payments from that insurance.

  1. Access Treasury Administrator > Cash Setup > Cash Transaction Setup > Identifier.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Create.

    Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Identifier Type

    Select the identifier type from the list.


    Institution that allows cash flow in and out of the company


    Description of identifier


    Indicates if the identifier is active or not

    Override Category

    Takes priority over the category from which the Identifier Type was originally assigned

    Allocation Code

    Select an allocation code from the list.


    Represents any business or legal entity of an organization, such as a corporation, holding company, division, or region

    Accounting Unit

    Represents a location or business center in a general ledger company, such as a division, department, region, or store


    Cash management account


    Processes or procedures that produce work for Cost Objects (products, services, customers)

  3. Click Save.