Creating an invoice

An AP processor can create and update invoices manually, or update invoices created by the Document Management System.


When using third-party Document Management System for your invoices, some of the fields may already have default values and you will only have to update those invoices. Defaulting will occur upon saving of records and will follow the Lawson defaulting logic.

  1. Click Process Invoices.
  2. Click New.

    The Main, Miscellaneous, and Payment tabs become available. The other tabs will be available once the invoice is saved.

  3. On the Main tab, specify this information:

    Select AP company.


    Select the vendor for the new invoice.

    Invoice Number

    Specify the invoice number.

    Invoice Date

    Specify the date of the invoice to be created.

    Due Date

    Specify the due date of the invoice.

    Invoice Amount

    Specify the invoice amount.

    Invoice Type

    Select the type of invoice:

    • Invoice

    • Credit Memo

    • Debit Memo

    Process Level

    Select the process level of the invoice.

    Pay Immediately

    Select if the invoice is to be paid immediately or at a later date.

    Remit To Location

    Select the location where the payment will be sent for the invoice.

    Purchase Order

    Specify or select the purchase order code.


    If this field is left blank and a match handling code is used, an error occurs and the Purchase Orders tab will not be available when you save the invoice.

    Handling Code

    Select the handling code for the invoice.

    Payment Terms

    Select the payment term to be used for the invoice.


    Select the currency to be used for payment of the invoice.

    Post Date

    Specify the post date for the invoice.

    Distribution Code

    Specify the distribution code for the invoice.

    Distribution Code Defaults

    Select an accounting unit or an account for the invoice.


    If using a Distribution Code, specify the additional defaulting information.

    Batch Number

    If your company uses batch release, specify or select a valid batch number. This is not required for match invoices.

    Authority Code

    If your company uses invoice approval, you must assign an authority code to an invoice before you can release it. Specify the authority code or assign it at the time the invoice is released.

    Voucher Number

    If your company uses vouchers, specify a voucher number. If you selected auto voucher number when setting up your company, leave the voucher field blank to accept the default.

    Taxable Amount

    Specify the total taxable amount of the invoice.

    Tax Amount

    Specify the total tax amount of the invoice. Leave this field blank if you specified a tax code.


    The application uses the tax code to automatically calculate the tax amount based on the rate defined for the tax code. The amount should equal the total tax distribution amount.

    Tax Code

    Specify or select a valid tax code to be applied to the invoice. The application automatically calculates the tax amount and creates distribution lines. If you assigned a tax code to the vendor, you can leave this field blank and that code will default.

    Tax Adjustment

    Specify whether to override the tax information on AOC or match invoices. If you leave this field blank, when the invoice is matched, the detail is created using the tax information from the purchase order or the receipt.

  4. If necessary, update the Miscellaneous tab.

    Specify this information:

    Ship To Location

    Specify or select the ship to location.

    Return Number

    If the goods associated with the invoice were returned, you can select a return number assigned to the invoice.

    Reason Code

    Select a valid reason code describing the cause for credit memos.

    Purchase From Location

    Select a code that has been predefined in Alternate Location. If left blank, the vendor's normal purchase-from location will default.

    Print Credit Memo

    Select Yes to have the system automatically print a credit memo for a charge back.

    Invoice Amount

    This is pre-populated with the invoice amount specified on the Main tab.

    Override Exchange Rate

    Select the exchange rate used to convert non-base currency invoice amounts to the company base currency. If left blank, the exchange rate defined for the currency relationship in the Currency application defaults, based on the rate in effect on the invoice date.

    Revalue Currency

    Select Yes to revalue the invoice currency against the company base currency when the invoice is paid to account for exchange rate fluctuations. If left blank, the revalue option defined for the vendor or location defaults.


    Displays the current exchange rate applied to the invoice amount

    Exchange Amount

    Displays the currency and exchange rate applied to the invoice amount

    Cash Code

    Select a valid cash code for the invoice payment. This represents a bank account. If left blank, the cash code assigned to the remit to location, vendor, vendor class, process level, company, or pay group defaults.

    Payment Code

    To select invoices assigned a specific payment code, specify or select a payment code. This represents a type of cash payment and must be a valid cash payment transaction code in Cash Management.

    Accrual Code

    Select a valid invoice accrual code for the invoice. This is used to default a general ledger accrual account to the invoice. If left blank, the invoice accrual code assigned to the vendor, process level, or company defaults.

    Hold Code

    Select a valid invoice hold code to prevent the invoice from being scheduled for payment.

    Income Code

    Select a valid income code for the invoice, which will define an invoice as being reportable income for the vendor.


    Specify the reportable amount of the invoice. If left blank, the reportable amount is the Invoice Amount less the discount taken.

    Reference Type

    Select the type of number the vendor is providing to reference the invoice.

    Diversity Code

    Specify an identifier for a category of diverse procurement.


    Optionally, specify a description.

    Pay Vendor

    Select a valid pay vendor for the invoice, if applicable. This is used to send invoice payments to another vendor within the same vendor group. For example, you could send a bankrupt vendor's payment to a bank. If left blank, the pay vendor assigned to the vendor defaults.

    Invoice Routing Category

    Optionally, select an Invoice Routing Category.

  5. If necessary, update the Payment tab.

    Specify this information:

    Payment Cash Code

    Select a valid cash code for the invoice payment. This represents a bank account. If left blank, the cash code assigned to the remit to location, vendor, vendor class, process level, company, or pay group defaults.

    Payment Code

    Select a valid payment code for the invoice. This represents a type of cash payment and must be a valid cash or Bill of Exchange payment transaction code in the Cash Management application. If left blank, the payment code assigned to remit to location, vendor, vendor class, or pay group defaults.

    Payment Number

    To specify a vendor-issued bill of exchange, type the bill of exchange payment number.

    Payment Or Due Date

    If you specified a payment number for a cash payment, specify the payment date. If you specified a payment number for a bill of exchange payment, specify the bill of exchange payment due date.

    Payment Amount

    If you specified a payment number, specify the amount of the payment. The payment amount must equal the Invoice Amount or the Invoice Amount less any available Discount Amount.

    Invoice Receipt Date

    This is pre-populated with the invoice date specified on the Main tab.

    Discount Amount

    Specify the amount of the discount.

    Discount Percent

    Specify the percentage of the discount. The value cannot be more than 100 percent.

    Allowable Amount

    Specify the allowed discount amount for the invoice.

    Discount Date

    The discount date of the invoice. It is used to determine whether a discount will be taken on an invoice.

    Discount Code

    Specify or select the discount code to be applied to the invoice.

    Flex Terms

    Select whether to use flexible terms or not.


    A discount is based on the number of days between the payment date and the invoice date.

  6. Click Save.

    The User Fields, Distributions, Purchase Orders, Spread Add On Charges, Misc Charges and Allowances, Related Documents, and Comments tabs become available. The Error tab will only be displayed if there are errors detected.

    • An invoice can only be routed for approval if there are no errors. If the Error tab is displayed, click the tab to determine the specific error and resolve the error. Once all errors have been corrected, save the invoice.

    • Depending on your APIA setup and the type of invoice, some tabs may not be displayed after saving. If User Fields are not defined in Accounts Payable, the User Field tab is not displayed. If the invoice is an expense only invoice, then Purchase Orders, Spread Add On Charges, and Misc Charges and Allowances may not be available.

  7. If necessary, update the User Fields tab.
  8. If necessary, update the Distributions tab.
    1. Click New.
    2. Select the distribution company, accounting unit, account, activity, account category, billing category, and tax code.
    3. Specify the amount and taxable amount.
    4. Click Save.
  9. If necessary, update the Purchase Orders tab.

    This tab has two sections. The top section lists all purchase orders attached to the invoice. In this area, you can add PO to the invoice, create details from the PO, and create charges and allowances.

    If you click a PO on the top portion, its details will be displayed on the bottom portion. Select the tab which you want to create details from. A list of available details that you can select and add to the invoice is displayed.

  10. If necessary, update the Spread Add On Charges tab.
    1. To create an invoice spread add on charge, click New.

      Specify this information:

      Purchase Order

      Specify or select the purchase order code.

      Spread Add On Charge

      Specify or select the add on cost code.

      Spread Method

      Leave blank.

      Spread Amount

      Specify the spread amount.

    2. Click Save, or click Save and New to create another spread add on charge.
  11. If necessary, update the Misc Charges and Allowances tabs.
    1. To create a miscellaneous charge or allowance, click Create Miscellaneous AOC.

      Specify this information:


      Select the add on cost code.

      Invoice AOC Amount

      Specify the invoice AOC amount.

    2. Click OK.
    3. Click Save.
  12. If necessary, update the Related Documents tab.
    1. To create a related document, click New.

      Specify this information:

      Document ID

      Specify a document ID.

      Document Type

      Specify the document type:

      • Invoice

      • Purchase Order

      • Packing Slip

      • Other


      Click the button on the box and specify this information:

      • Title - This will be populated once you have selected the file you want to attach.

      • File - Specify the file name of the document or click Browse to search for the document.

      • File Type - This will be populated once you have selected the file you want to attach.

      Click OK.


      Specify a description for the document.

    2. Click Save or click Save And New to create another related document.
  13. If necessary, update the Comments tab.
    1. To create an invoice comment, click New.

      Specify this information:


      Specify the title.


      Select the type of comment:

      • All

      • Invoice Note

      • Invoice Report

      • Invoice Check


      Specify your comment.

    2. Click Save or click Save And New to create another comment.