Processing an invoice for approval
Any finance resource defined in the AP Invoice Automation application with a login can be an approver.
You approve invoices on the Invoice Approval web page, which contains a subset of your inbasket, with only the invoices that you are responsible for.
Access the Invoice Approval web page.
If you receive an email notifying you that an invoice requires approval, click the link in the message to access the Invoice Approval web page.
Log in to AP Invoice Automation and check your notifications. Click the link on the approval notification to open the work unit for the invoice approval.
- On the Work Items tab, open and review the invoice that you are asked to approve. Click the Distributions tab to view the invoice distributions. Click the Approval History tab to view the invoicing routing history.
Take action on the invoice.
To approve the invoice:
- Optionally, specify a comment.
- Click Approve.Note: The invoice is not available from the list of work items and is routed to the next resource on the routing list. The invoice is displayed on the Historical tab but you can no longer take action.
To reject the invoice:
- Click Reject.
- Select a reason code and specify an action comment.
- Click OK.
The invoice is returned to the AP processor who submitted it for approval. The work item is not available from your list, but the invoice is displayed on the Historical tab with a status of Rejected.
To reassign the invoice:
- In the Reassign To Approval Level field, select the routing level to which you want to route the invoice.
- Optionally, specify a comment.
- Click Reassign.
The routing levels that you can select are those defined on the invoice approval code. The invoice is routed to the level that you selected, which can be an individual, a team member, or a role. The work item is not available from your list, but the invoice is displayed on the Historical tab with a status of Pending Approval.
To check the status of any invoice that you are assigned to as an approver:
- Click Invoice Approval.
Click the Historical
All the invoices that you are working on are listed with their statuses.
- Open the invoice you are interested in to view the invoice details, invoice distributions, and approval history.