Security classes
The AP Invoice Automation application includes several predefined security classes that grant access to the application based on a user's access requirements. The following table lists the security classes:
Some security classes have specific conditions that restrict access to some actions. For more detailed information on each security class, view the security class Lawson Pattern Language (LPL).
Security class | Description |
APIAViewInvoice_ST | Allows inquiry access to business classes necessary for viewing invoice data. |
APIAApproveInvoice_ST | Allows inquiry access to business classes necessary for invoice approval. |
APIAProcessInvoice_ST | Allows access to all invoice data. |
APIAManualApproval_ST | Allows access to manually approve or manually reject an invoice, which removes the invoice from Infor Process Automation work unit processing. |
APIAViewerMenu_ST | Allows access to APViewer web app. |
APIAApproverMenu_ST | Allows access to APBrowserInvoiceApproval web app. |
APIAProcessorMenu_ST | Allows access to APClerk web app. |
APIAManagerMenu_ST | Allows access to APManager web app. |
APIASetup_ST | Allows access to APAdministrator web app and to all business classes specific to AP Invoice Automation setup. |
APIAReassignApprover_ST | Allows a user to reassign a work unit within Infor Process Automation. |
OOFCommonViewInformation_ST | Allows inquiry access to set up information and Lawson views. |
OOFCommonViewQueues_ST | Allows full access to system, classic transaction, and e-mail queues. |
OOFCommonSetup_ST | Allows full access to common setup items across modules. |
OOFAccessToAllActions_ST | Allows access to all functions and web apps. |
ProductLineAccess_ST (GEN) | Allows access to the product line (gen). |
ProductLineAccess_ST (FinancialsProductLine) | Allows access to the product line (application). |
BasicProductLineAccess_ST | Allows access to basic product line functions (application). |
SpellingDictionaryAccess_ST (GEN) | Allows access to the spelling dictionary. User can spell-check text fields where spell-check is available and add words to the dictionary (gen). |
RoamingUIProfileAccess_ST (GEN) | Allows access to the la module and RoamingUIProfile business class (when the actor matches the RoamingUIProfile actor value) (gen). |
JobQueueAccess_ST | Allows access to the la module, e-mail queue, and the ProcessFlow queue. |
InbasketUser_ST | Allows access to the Process Server Inbasket. |
InbasketAdministrator_ST | Allows access to the Process Server queues and lists, given to an administrator in order to monitor and maintain Infor Process Automation work units. |
DataMenuAccess_ST | Allows access to the Data Menu where additional views of data may be seen and updated. |
GlobalUIConfigAccess_ST | Allows access to the Default Presentation check box on Personalizations, which allows the user to make the personalized list definition the default presentation view for all users. |
PersonalizationAccess_ST | Allows access to Personalize list definitions. |
ProcessServerAllAccess_ST | Allows access to all functions within Infor Process Automation including setup and work units. |
SecurityConfigAccess_ST | Allows access to security configurations. |
ScheduledActionsAccess_ST | Allows access to schedule actions. |
ProxyGrantorAccess_ST (GEN) | Allows an actor the ability to grant proxy access to another actor. |
ProxyInquireAccess_ST (GEN) | Allows an actor the ability to act as a proxy for another actor. |
ProxyAdminAccess_ST (GEN) | Allows access to create and update proxy records for any actor. |