Maintain Carriers data

Before you create a Carrier profile, ensure that the Business Partner BODs are integrated in Tax Engine.

  1. Expand Master Data applications > Tables.
  2. Select Logistic Tables > Carriers.
  3. Click the New button.
  4. Specify this information:

    Specify the freight carrier code. This field is required.

    Carrier Name

    Specify the registered name of the freight carrier.

    Search Key

    Specify a search key to uniquely identify your Carrier record.

    Business Partner

    Search and select the relevant Business Partner. Click OK.

    For ordering and invoicing transactions, a Carrier should be defined as a Business Partner.

    Carrier category

    Select the relevant carrier category from the list.

    Carrier address

    Search and select the registered address of the freight carrier and link to your Carrier profile. Click OK.

    If operating in Brazil, the Fiscal Entity field is automatically populated with the fiscal number (CNPJ) information that is associated to the carrier address.

    Vehicle plate

    Specify the vehicle plate that is assigned and issued by governing body.

    State of the vehicle plate

    Specify the two-character abbreviation of the state where the vehicle was originally registered, if applicable.

    Carrier National Register

    If operating in Brazil, specify the vehicle registration based on information of Brazil’s State Transport Department.

    INSS Register

    If operating in Brazil, specify the Instituto Nacional da Seguridade Social (INSS) or the Social Security number.

    Generate Optional FOB in DANFE

    If operating in Brazil, specify whether Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (DANFe) should be generated. DANFe is a printed document of electronic Nota Fiscal to accompany goods in transit for validation by authorities.

    Freight Responsible

    Select whose responsibility on freight is levied: No Freight, Emitter, and Business Partner.

  5. Click the Save icon.