Addresses overview
All companies must have a unique registered fiscal address. This address is identified on an entity’s tax identification number. If several companies are registered at the same office address, it is common to specify which room each company is registered to, as this makes each fiscal address unique.
Addresses are an important part of Tax Engine. Addresses contain fiscal information and features that are used on fiscal search definitions such as State, City, and Fiscal entity.
Address Data is generated in Tax Engine through LocationBOD from SOR. The Address Data is present on BODs such as CustomerPartyMaster, SupplierPartyMaster, LocationDepartment, LocationWarehouse, and so on.
To ensure successful data flow between an external Infor ERP and Tax Engine, this information should be maintained manually first in the Tax Engine Master Data:
Countries data
Countries are the national states where your suppliers and customers are located and are part of the data that must be set up for master data integration, tax reporting, and calculation.
See Maintain Countries data (T).
During program checks between your SOR and Tax Engine, the system will try to define the country ISO code by using the Country Code. First try is CountryCode as country ISO code, second try is CountryCode as country code, and third try is CountryCode as country description.
States/Provinces data
State data is generated through BODs that carry Address Data such as CustomerPartyMaster, SupplierPartyMaster, ShipToPartyMaster, LocationDepartment, LocationWarehouse, and so on. State data should be maintained in Tax Engine manually by using codes that are according to ISO 3166-2.
In some countries, tax is levied by states, and rates vary from state to state. In the case of interstate transactions, different rates are imposed by issuing and receiving states.
Maintain Cities by Country data
Cities by Country data forms part of Business Partner addresses. You can maintain City information based on Country and State. In Brazil, Cities or Municipalities are also assigned with identification codes by Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística or IBGE (this is not required if not operating in Brazil).
Tax Engine, through AddressBOD, uses City Description to match the City field data on Addresses.