Creating a Tax Group (T)

Tax Group defines the tax types that exist in a Fiscal Document and, in the search definitions, determines the Tax Codes for each type of tax existing in the tax group. Creating a Tax Group in Tax Engine can be very useful when you create your Searches as it allows the system to automatically determine the applicable tax codes for your transactions based on Fiscal Document type, Department, Item, etc.

Similar to maintaining tax codes, you should create several tax groups which will be used for different types of transactions. For example, you create a tax group which will be used for sale of goods, sale of services, purchases, and consigned shipments.

  1. Expand Tax Engine applications > Master Data.
  2. Select Tax Group.
  3. Click the New icon.
  4. Specify this information:
    Tax Group Code

    Specify a tax group code. This field is mandatory.


    Provide a description for the tax group code.

    Transaction origin

    Select whether the transaction origin is input or output.

  5. Click the Save icon.