Creating a Base Formula Calculation (T)

Formula Calculations are linked to a Tax Code and is used to calculate the tax. This calculation determines the Tax base amount that will be reflected on your nota fiscal lines.

To create a formula, use the Formula Editor for Calculation Basis and use the reserved words that are created from the previous session.

  1. Expand Tax Engine applications > Master Data.
  2. Select Base Formula Calculation.
  3. Click the New icon.
  4. Specify this information:
    Formula Calculation

    Specify the formula calculation code.


    Provide a description for the formula calculation code.


    Select Tax, Account, or Fiscal.

    If you selected Tax, then you must associate a formula. If you selected Account, you do not need to register a formula.


    Specify a formula.

  5. To create a formula by using Reserved Words:
    1. Select a formula and click the arrow icon. The Formula Editor session is displayed.
    2. Select reserved words that will constitute your formula, and use the calculator functions.

      This is an example of a formula calculation:

  6. Click the Save icon.