Running the SII inquiry

The SII Inquiry is run through a browser and requires Tomcat authentication to be set up for all users.

  1. Locate this XML file:

    <<Tomcat folder>>\conf\tomcat-users.xml

  2. Replace the user ID and password in the XML file:
    1. Copy, paste, and change these lines for all users that you wish to create:
      <role rolename=" "/>  
      <user password="password" roles="" username="userId"/>

      For example, if you want your user to be siiuser with a password s11spain, then you would change the lines to:

      <role rolename=" "/>
      <user password="siispain" roles="" username="siiuser"/>
    2. When your editing is complete, save your changes and restart Tomcat.
  3. To open the webapp to all hosts:
    Note: By default, this webapp can only be viewed from the local host.
    1. Locate the context.xml file in this folder:

      <<Tomcat folder>>\webapps\Sii\META-INF\

    2. Comment out this line:
      <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
               allow="127\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|::1|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" />